Update: Incaladion, Skitarii and Imperial Knight


When I started my hobby project based on the Tiger Eyes Titan legion, I thought that very few sources spoke of Incaladion: the third book of Forge World’s Horus Heresy series, a short note in Imperial Armour Volume II, a brief mention in Codex:Necron from third edition (which implied that on Incaladion there were schismatic members of the Cult Mechanicus that revered the C’Tans) and the image of “Incaladion pattern” storm bolter used by the Howling Griffons Space Marines Chapter.

surfing the web, however, this week I discovered that there is at least another mention of Incaladion, on that I completely missed while reading the Gods of Mars novel:

“‘Then we will fight them again,’ said another Space Marine, Varda she thought. ‘And this time we will finish the job.’ Ilanna shook her head. ‘No, you won’t. I mean no disrespect, Brother Varda, but you saw them. The beasts are imbued with some form of self-regenerative mechanism. You can’t hurt them. At least, not without my help.’ An irritated flare of noospherics behind her. ‘Do not suggest what I know you are about to suggest, Magos Pavelka,’ said Archmagos Kotov. ‘It could help kill the hunting beasts,’ she said. ‘It is a curse upon machines,’ said Kotov. ‘You dishonour the Cult Mechanicus with such blasphemies.’ ‘

What is she talking about, archmagos?’ demanded Tanna. ‘Nothing at all, a vile perversion of her learning,’ said Kotov. ‘Speak, Magos Pavelka,’ ordered Tanna, and Ilanna almost smiled at the outrage she felt radiating from Kotov. Had they been anywhere within the Imperium, she had no doubt the archmagos would already have exloaded his Technologia Excommunicatus to the Martian synod. ‘When I was stationed on Incaladion, I–’ ‘Incaladion? I might have known,’ said Kotov. ‘That is why you bear brands of censure in your noospherics? And to think I allowed a techno-heretic aboard the Speranza!’ Tanna held up a hand to forestall further outrage from Kotov, and Ilanna was pathetically grateful to be spared a repeat of what she had heard from her accusers so long ago. ‘What is Incaladion?’ asked Tanna. ‘A forge world in Ultima Segmentum,’ said Ilanna. ‘I was stationed there a hundred and forty-three years ago when there were some… troubles.’ ‘What sort of troubles?’ asked Tanna. ‘Researches into the shadow artes of the tech-heretek!’ snapped Kotov with a surge of indignation. ‘The worship of proscribed xeno-lores and artificial sentiences! Half the planet was in violation of the Sixteen Laws.’ Kotov rounded on Ilanna. ‘Is that where you developed your heathen code?’ ‘In service to Magos Corteswain, yes,’ answered Ilanna. ‘Corteswain? This just gets better and better!’ said Kotov.

‘Who was this Corteswain?’ asked Roboute. ‘He was a great man,’ said Ilanna. ‘Or at least he was before he disappeared on Cthelmax. He was Cult Mechanicus to the core, but a Zethian by inclination.’ ‘I do not know what that means,’ said Tanna. ‘It means he held to ideals of innovation and understanding, of looking for explanations of techno-functionality that did not rely on the intervention of a divine being.’ ‘You see?’ said Kotov. ‘Blasphemy!’ Ilanna ignored him. ‘The possible applications of xeno-tech to existing Imperial equipment fascinated Corteswain, and he dared question established dogma regarding its prohibition. What you have to understand about Incaladion was that it was a world where a great deal of corrupted machinery ended up. Spoils taken in battle against the Archenemy. Machines and weaponry infected with scrapcode and infused with warp essences. Adept Corteswain developed a form of hexamathic disassembler language that could break the bond between a machine and whatever motive spirit lay at its heart.’ ‘A curse on all machines!’ wailed Kotov. ‘It was a way to free those machines from corruption,’ said Ilanna with an indignant flare of binary cant. ‘Magos Corteswain saved thousands of machines whose souls were in torment.’ ‘By killing them,’ said Kotov. ‘By freeing them to return to Akasha,’ said Ilanna. ‘Ready to be reborn in a new body of steel and light.’”

I have to thank Karthak Maz Urzak from the Space Battles forum for this quote.

This quote is utterly interesting, not only because it tells us something more about Incaladion and what is going on there, but also ties Corteswain to it. In case you are wondering, Corteswain is a former techpriest that was abducted by a C’Tan and was then released alive after visiting a Necron planet. He then proclaimed that the Machine God was nothing else than a C’Tan, eager to devour all life, and stripped himself of all his bionic parts. He was later imprisoned as a heretek, but his preachings managed to spread among the Cult Mechanicus.

Reading these paragraphs again gave me the inspiration I needed to create a background story for my army, and to tie it to the legendary Gates of Varl, but unluckily I still have not got the time to write it. I will post it here as soon as I have something worth showing.

Well, but now it is time to show off some hobby.


The Skitarii are coming along nicely: I added the flames to their robes, and then painted the purity seals and lenses. Here you can see a couple of side-shots of my Alpha and of a ranger with transuranic arquebus (those weapons are visually too cool to not use them).

And here are a couple of group shots with the Imperial Knight’s base as a scenery.

Incaladine Skitarii

Incaladine Skitarii

Legio Fureans Imperial Knight

I almost finished its legs’ armour. I just need to glaze some areas with Guilliman Blue, add some shadows around the rivets and then higlighting the metallic trims.

Tiger eyes legio leg plates

Here you can see a test-fitting picture. I had to lay the Knight on its back, for the plates would not stay in place if it is standin on its feet. As you can see, I have undercoated the whole model with Leadbelcher spray. The finish looks a little bit grainy in person, but we will see how it will look after the first Agrax Eartshade wash.

Overall, I am extremely happy with the results I am achieving! This is surely the best army I have ever painted.
Tiger eyes knight leg plates in place

13 thoughts on “Update: Incaladion, Skitarii and Imperial Knight

  1. SPlatte says:

    Really love that strong yellow on the cloaks, thought about something similar for my Skitarii.
    Would you mind to share your recipe?


    • There is no problem, it is a simplified versione of the process I used here on my Castellax: https://laertesforge.wordpress.com/2015/03/23/how-i-paint-my-taghmata-part-2/

      – On a black undercoat, apply a solid Averland Sunset base (usually three thinned coats should be enough), then wash with pure Seraphim Sepia.
      – Layer Averland Sunset leaving some of the base colour show in the recesses.
      – Layer Yiriel Yellow on the Averland Sunset, leaving both the previous layer show in the recesses.
      – Apply an extreme higlight of Flash Gitz Yellow.
      – Finally, wash with with a 2:1 mix of Seraphim Sepia and Lahmian Medium to bring all the tones together.

      Hope this helped!


      • SPlatte says:

        Thank you! That was a quick response!
        I looked through your last couple of posts but as it seems not far enough back for your “how I paint” post.


        Liked by 1 person

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