Machines of Incaladion – Scyllax Guardian Automata

Scyllax Guardian Automata Covenant

Disturbing automata, birthed by the nightmare of a crazy Tech-priest (and the illustrations of John Blanche, clearly). They are not very easy to paint, due to their shape and the many cables on them. Completing them, however is incredibly rewarding and, as an added bonus (or was it the reason I bought them in the first place?), they look great both in the cabinet and on the battlefield!

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Soldiers of Incaladion: Skitarii Vanguard

Incaladine Skitarii Vanguard squad

Yes, I know, I know… I should try to finish one of the units I am currently working on, instead of starting a new one. I have a good excuse for this, however! A couple of months ago with some friends we arranged a Kill Team campaign day, and I absolutely wanted to bring for the first time my Adeptus Mechanicus on the table.

After a couple of playtesting games to try different units on the field, I settled for a ten-man unit of Skitarii Vanguards supported by my Sydonian Dragoon. So, as I only had a Rangers unit, I had to start building and painting as fast as I could, putting aside all the other projects.


Unluckily I did not complete the unit within the deadline (looks like 40 days are not enough for me to complete a single unit), but it did not matter, as the campaign was called off due to last-minute engagements for three out of seven players.

Even if we did not play in the end, I am happy that I have found the motivation to finally build and paint a box of models that I bought almost two years ago! My backlog is finally starting to clear! (If I manage to not buy immediately the new Belisarius Cawl, that is…)


Now, let’s finish those Scyllax Guardian Automata and Myrmidon Secutors.